5 Costly Consequences When Settling for the Cheap

  5 Costly Consequences When Settling for the Cheap Guest Blog by Brian Bayley (contact info below)   Do You Really Save Money by Having Cousin Louie Build Your Website!?  …Maybe the answer is yes for the day that you make the purchase. But when the job isn’t done well, it’s the days thereafter that […]

Prepare for Lift Off!

Resources and Development Lift Off

Prepare for Lift Off! Last time I gave you a laundry list of tips and tricks you can use to make your word of mouth program work for you. Hopefully you’ve taken a look and decided which ones are the best fit for your company, products, services and target customers, so you can put them […]

Search & Implement

Resources and Development Different

Search & Implement People only remember the extraordinary, strange, wild, surprising and unusual. You need to make sure your ideas and marketing reflect these reactions. This doesn’t mean you have to have a product or service that is completely out of the norm, in fact, this could easily drive customers away. You need to have […]

Multiply on Your Maximizing Resources

Resources and Development Maximize Possibilities

Today we’ll cover: Go Big Online Bartering with the Best Give Away the Farm Go Big Online There are businesses who solely operate online; there are those with only physical addresses and there are those who do both. Those who do both are by far more successful than the previous two. When you take the […]