Are Meetings Counterproductive?

Are Meetings Counterproductive?   I suspect that the title of this article is answered quickly by most with the same simple answer and that answer is most often “yes”.  All too often we get into a meeting, and we hear a rehash of the previous week’s meeting with little nuance. Now that we can attend […]

Kill the Queue!

Kill the Queue!   In my long career there was one book that inspired me, helped me tremendously, and haunts me wherever I go.  The book by Eliyahu M. Goldratt is “The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement”.  It is about the “theory of constraints” which leads me to what I call “throughput management”. I […]

Yield Management

Yield Management   Last week we talked about discounting, the uses and pitfalls of discounts.  It was not a question of should or shouldn’t I discount, rather the how and when of discounting.  This week we want to talk about Yield Management and how that might fit into your discounting or pricing models. Yield management, […]

How and When to Discount

How and When to Discount   At first glance to the average Business Owner discounting doesn’t seem complicated.  But you are much savvier than the average Business Owner and you realize that there are pitfalls in discounting.  Here are a few, perhaps more than just a few, so please bear with me: Erosion of Profit […]

Small Business vs. Big Business

Small Business vs. Big Business Turning Business Disadvantages into Marketing Advantages If you are the largest of your business type in the area then brag about being the largest.  If you are the smallest, then tell them about how you can provide personalized service.  If you’re the oldest tell them about how long you’ve been […]


Ego At first glance when you read the word ego you immediately think about those with and those without an ego, and how obnoxious thing egotistical people can be. However, by definition, Ego is the part of the psyche responsible for our sense of self and our ability to interact with the outside world. In […]

Pricing for Profits

Pricing for Profits Raw Cost, Burden, Mark-Up and Margin Raw Cost: Joe, you look frustrated, what’s up? Joe looks up from his desk, take off his glasses, rubs his eyes and forehead and says, I am trying to price our new widgets that we are making on line 2 and want to bring to market […]

Building Your Marketing Message

Building Your Marketing Message Are you willing to spend a little time to make your marketing message better and more productive?  I know you are very busy but this exercise can be a lot of fun especially if you can get others involved. For any business owner to become successful today, they must provide their […]

The Consultative Approach to Sales

The Consultative Approach to Sales If you own a retail store that sells a common commodity or an on-line store you may not have the luxury of using this approach. It is common to be greeted by floor sales staff when you enter a retail store. Further, it has become the norm as a “first […]

Modes of Persuasion

Modes of Persuasion   Aristotle coined the Greek terms “Ethos, Pathos, and Logos” to explain both the proof of artistic value and the modes of persuasion. In business, as in life, persuasion is meaningful and important to every exchange with clients/customers and of course people. Presentations in business, especially in marketing, the delivery is meant […]