Bob’s Business Breakthrough

Bob’s Business Breakthrough   Whenever I ask a business owner, let’s call him Bob, “What is your biggest challenge?”, they almost always answer, “I need more sales”.  When I ask, “Why they need more sales?”. Like Bob, they often respond, “Because I am not making enough money!”. I then follow by asking how much more […]

The Nature of Humans

The Nature of Humans There are expensive lunches and there are value meals, there are two martini lunches, and buy one get another one half off, there are tasty lunches and there are snacks… but there ain’t no such thing as a FREE lunch in this world despite what everyone would like us to believe. […]

Why did I decide to go into business for myself?

Why did I decide to go into business for myself? Many have tried, many have failed but the few entrepreneurs that continue and succeed have certain things in common. With assurance, I can say that they have all asked themselves this critical question at some point in their effort… “Why did I decide to go […]

Embracing AI Integration

Marketing in Today’s World: Embracing AI Integration   Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. In marketing, AI enables businesses to analyze vast amounts of data and extract valuable insights. This, in turn, allows for personalized marketing efforts and more effective customer […]

Excel for Excellence

Excel for Excellence   Here’s a really fun topic… Excel (heavy groan).  But let’s take a closer look. As much as we talk about collecting data and information about your business, Excel can be an incredibly powerful tool.  Analyzing business data due to its flexibility and various functions makes it the tool of choice. Although […]

Scheduling for Profit

Scheduling for Profit   Most Service businesses depend on scheduling their customers, clients, or patients.  Whether that is a service call, in-office visit, classes, or health and beauty appointments, taking a second look at how you schedule you may find that you can squeeze more out of the time available and/or significantly reduce down time. […]

From Marketing to Sales… Are They the Same?

From Marketing to Sales… Are They the Same? It has been said that the job of Marketing is to put breadcrumbs on the lawn to attract the ducks, and that the Sales job is to shoot those ducks.  Perhaps crude but a good analogy of what needs to take place in almost any business.  Put […]

Quality Control Should Make You Money (NOT cost you $$)

Quality Control Should Make You Money (NOT cost you $$) An analysis of metrics in your business can go a long way in creating bottom-line profits. Further, Statistical Quality Control (SQC), although it does not sound like a sexy topic, bear with me.  I know and understand quality control from an operational and financial perspective […]

Size and Location Matters

Size and Location Matters There are a lot of constraints and issues that you need to determine during the startup phases of your business.  Money and Time being the obvious ones, and these two issues affect most of the others as well. Many businesses such as software development, construction trades, and professional services can start […]

Building Your Marketing Message

Building Your Marketing Message Are you willing to spend a little time to make your marketing message better and more productive?  I know you are very busy but this exercise can be a lot of fun especially if you can get others involved. For any business owner to become successful today, they must provide their […]