Size and Location Matters

Size and Location Matters There are a lot of constraints and issues that you need to determine during the startup phases of your business.  Money and Time being the obvious ones, and these two issues affect most of the others as well. Many businesses such as software development, construction trades, and professional services can start […]

Building Your Marketing Message

Building Your Marketing Message Are you willing to spend a little time to make your marketing message better and more productive?  I know you are very busy but this exercise can be a lot of fun especially if you can get others involved. For any business owner to become successful today, they must provide their […]

Do You Know Your Break Even?

Do You Know Your Break Even? Probably not, most business owners don’t.  Some don’t know what it is, some know what it is but not what their Break Even is, some wish they knew but don’t know how to calculate it, and most don’t understand why it is so important to know in the first […]

Is More Sales Always the Answer?

Is More Sales Always the Answer? For all businesses increasing sales is one of the most important goals, but sometimes we see it as the answer to everything.  Indeed, most financial challenges could be solved with more sales but there are a few that it cannot, and is not the only solution to bottom-line profitability. […]


Crowdfunding Financing a business, is tricky, grueling, and frustrating.  When decisions about your business are not within your reach, life gets difficult.  Perhaps you’ve dealt with bankers and investors and have gotten no love, what are your other options? We’ve talked about Bootstrapping as an alternative method, but Crowdfunding may be a viable option as […]

Trade What You Have for What You Need

Trade What You Have for What You Need First, I want you to ask yourself what your company needs most.  Most business owners will answer “cash” and that may be legit. Most owner’s when asked that question find themselves in a cashflow pinch at some point in time or another.  But it could be that […]

A Day in the Life of a Business Owner

A Day in the Life of a Business Owner Business life is hard, and it can make your personal life hard as well.  So much to do and so little time, what is a Business Owner to do? The average day of a business owner can vary depending on the type of business, the size […]


ROI At first glance I suspect that most of you know what the acronym ROI is. For those of you who do not, it is Return on Investment. The most common understanding of ROI for most comes in the world of investments, specifically the stock market or in real estate. Today I would like to […]

Success Barometer

Success Barometer I have never liked using money as a yardstick for success.  No matter what stage of your business you are at you have already hit the lottery! Consider how few people even try opening a business, consider how few people have had to make a sale or place advertising, or hire people, or […]

This is Quality Control to Major Tom

This is Quality Control to Major Tom Quality is not what you may think. We often think of handmade luxury goods as “High Quality”, but I would argue that more automated processes create “consistency” and therefore each part is more perfect. Could you imagine building an aircraft engine by hand without the use of machine […]