5 Costly Consequences When Settling for the Cheap

  5 Costly Consequences When Settling for the Cheap Guest Blog by Brian Bayley (contact info below)   Do You Really Save Money by Having Cousin Louie Build Your Website!?  …Maybe the answer is yes for the day that you make the purchase. But when the job isn’t done well, it’s the days thereafter that […]


Selling It has always been my contention that “people don’t like to be sold, but they do like to buy”. I had adopted this notion long ago when I was in the tuxedo industry. I was responsible for recruiting, hiring, and training sales and management personnel for a 130-store retail operation in the Midwest. I […]

Recession Proofing Your Business

Recession Proofing Your Business When you turn on financial news everyone is speculating about the coming recession.  I wish I was smart enough to predict with any certainty if, when, and how deep it will be, but I am not going out on that limb. But I can say that preparedness is always a smart […]


RIF What in the world is RIF? We are all familiar with business expressions, platitudes and the ever-changing landscape business undergoes with a changing economy. Such is the case with management concepts and processes to deal with them. RIF is the acronym for “Reduction In Force”. What’s that, you say?! In the 80’s the same […]

Working Backwards

Resources and Development Working Backwards

Working Backwards As analytical as I am, it took me way too late into my career to discover that I should always be planning backwards.  My hope is that you learn this tactic earlier rather than later in your business life. If we establish a benchmark of where your business is today and then set […]

Adjusting Your Company Culture

Resources and Development Company Culture

Adjusting Your Company Culture   Once upon a time, there was an empire that made many demands upon its institution. The candidate, to be included, had insistence placed upon timeliness, thoroughness, expedience, and abject attention. It believed that for an individual so worthy to join its assembly, abiding by a precise doctrine of behavior with […]

How Much Profit Should I be Making?

Resources and Development Profit

How Much Profit Should I be Making? One of the things that all people in business know is that all businesses, short of “not for profit” companies, is that profit is a primary objective. Although I could argue that even “not for profit” companies should be operating in a manner that should produce a profit, […]

The Physics of Business

Resources and Development Physics of Business

The Physics of Business While creativity and uniqueness are wonderful things, especially in business because it separates you from your competition, it sometimes leads us to believe that normal or standard business principles do not apply because of that uniqueness. Think of business as you would think of Physics.  In Physics we have simple laws […]

Road Tripping Using SGA

Resources and Development Road Trip

Road Tripping Using SGA Have you taken a road trip lately? Having lived in San Diego, CA for a few years and suddenly embarking upon a move to TN, my wife and I decided to take a road trip up to Monterey. For those of you have never been, it’s just south of San Francisco, […]

Using Your Financials for Better Decision Making

Resources and Development Financial

Using Your Financials for Better Decision Making   “If you treasure it, you should measure it!”  This old adage is more commonly known among bookkeepers and financial consultants. Not to throw accountants and CPA’s under the bus, but their primary concern is to be able to prepare a tax return at years end for you […]