211 Degrees (or Why You Might Need Some Help)

211 Degrees (or Why You Might Need Some Help)

211 Degrees

(or Why You Might Need Some Help)


Water boils at 212 degrees and then creates steam, which is a powerful force that can be harnessed to create electricity, or turn equipment that can literally move mountains.

At 211 degrees all you have is water.  Heating water to 211 degrees takes almost as much energy as 212.  In fact, sustaining 211 degrees takes more energy and drains the power source without ever reaching its potential.

And so it is with a business (the water) and business Owners (the energy).  So I ask you to honestly evaluate you and yours.  Are you maintaining your business, or are you pushing your business toward that “tipping point” that allows it to produces steam?  Worse yet, are you beginning to get burnt out and the temperature is slowly falling?

You are so close to a success that you may have never known, you are so close to a business that earns far more per revenue dollar than it earns now.

You have covered the overhead costs of your business and you are making a modest living.  You have worked so hard getting your business to this point, you can’t imagine working that much harder to get to that boiling point!

We see every day here at Resources & Development, Owners that are so close to burn out, YET so close to success as well.  It is our job to provide them with some clarity, refocus them on what matters most in their particular situation, facilitate some analysis to determine where the biggest impact they can make for the least investment of time and money.

Businesses are a complex, almost living entity, that requires a really wide variety of skills, abilities, knowledge, and wisdom.  And I hate to break it to you, but NO one person possesses all of the tools they need in their own tool box.  Sometimes we need to borrow a tool or two from someone else.  And even if you did have all the tools it often takes a fresh set of eyes and ears to help figure out the priority of tasks, to create a roadmap, if you will, that shows how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

I hope that you will reach out to get the help you need to create the steam that your efforts deserve.  If not Resources & Development, then find someone that will help you get your business to that next level that will either provide you with more bottom line profit, a better quality of life, or both.

We’ve been doing this for almost 30 years we have helped business Owners just like YOU.  And we are constantly in awe of what YOU have accomplished, your creative ideas, your devotion, and the endless hours YOU put into your business each week.  Our job every day is to help you make steam.  Our goal is to help you work smarter rather than harder to make that steam.

If you identify with any of this, I ask that you please call us or reach out today.  Don’t let another year go by without reaching your full potential and remember, unlike other consulting/coaching companies, here at Resources & Development you don’t spend a dime unless we make you much more.  We put our money where our mouth is IF WE CAN’T HELP YOU OUR SERVICE IS FREE.


Speaking of FREE, call us today for a free Business Profit Acceleration Analysis that will provide a roadmap to doubling your business and tripling your profit at NO COST and NO OBLIGATION.  We want to invest our time into YOUR business first, by making your business strong, before talking about getting paid.  Let’s start moving some mountains today!

Reach out at [email protected] or 702-215-9536